Q. Where do you get your buttons from?

A. Thanks to an incredible sponsorship by Busy Beaver Button Co. we are able to engage with fans in a fun, creative, way, through making buttons. It also gives fans a little token to remember us by! Swing by one of our booths at a show or festival to snag an OMMB button.

Q. Where do donations go?

A. All donations are split evenly between Between Friends and Resilience. Your donation will go towards funding Our Music My Body's expenses, and also towards the myriad other forms of support that both agencies provides to survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence. You can make a donation here to support our work.

Q. What are people signing up for if they sign up for our mailing list? 

A. They will receive a quarterly newsletter from us that announces upcoming shows we’re tabling, and cool events we’re involved with or simply promoting that have to do with sexual violence, domestic violence or safety in music. It’s also a surefire way to find out about upcoming volunteer trainings. Sign up for our newsletter here.

Q. Does OMMB facilitate staff trainings for venues/festivals/organizations?

A. Yes! We love facilitating staff trainings. Please email Maggie directly at to discuss a staff training, workshop for your group/band/club, or participation on a panel. 

Q. Can I interview you?

A. Heck yes! You can visit our “Media Inquiry” page here.

Q. Will you endorse my band?

A. While we love to hype bands/artists who are doing it right, and you may see our leaders or volunteers watching shows as fans, OMMB as a campaign doesn’t formally endorse bands.

Q. Does OMMB facilitate circles or restorative justice processes?

A. As sexual violence and domestic violence survivor support providers, we are big proponents of healing in whatever way feels best for the survivor - including remedies that do not rely on the legal system. However, at this time, we are unable to facilitate or lead circles or processes.

Q. If I live out of Chicago can I still volunteer?

A. Unfortunately, we currently don’t have opportunities available for direct volunteers outside of Chicago. However, if you have any design experience for merch or visual branding that you’d like to offer remotely, you can email You can also support us by following us on social media @OurMusicMyBody on Instagram and Twitter and @OurMusicMyBodyChicago on Facebook. Lastly, you can donate to our campaign here so we can continue to make music scenes safe and free from harassment.

Q. How often do volunteer trainings happen?

A. Trainings take place quarterly. To be the first to know about upcoming events, sign up for our newsletter here.